We are familiar with the struggles women have faced throughout history in their attempt to take their rightful place in society. Different religious, cultural, and societal beliefs and practices cut women off from owning properties, working in certain establishments, or just having a say over what happens in their bodies, their families, and their lives in general. We have heard of countries where women are not allowed to get an education even to this day, places where they are not even allowed to drive cars, buy a landed property or choose what to do with their lives. 

Women’s rights; a brief history

Women Right's

Women’s rights are those entitlements due to women and girls all over the world. They range from basic human rights to other rights previously reserved for boys and men alone but restricted for women. The world has witnessed the birth and end of several issues related to women’s rights. Many notable individuals, organizations, and governments have waged wars against beliefs, practices, and laws that restrict the rights of women over their bodies, their freedom to participate in political activities, rights to equal pay, education, and contesting for public offices. 

During the middle ages in Europe, women were considered and treated as inferior to men in legal status. They were considered properties to their husbands and were forced to stay away from a legal matters. In ancient China, they were to obey the men in their families and were not allowed to inherit wealth or businesses. 

As the world progressed in civilization, some of these belief systems were criticized and challenged and many of them were removed. Notable people in history stood against the abuse of women’s rights. New laws and decrees came into existence, abolishing the laws that restricted women and abused their human rights. By the early 20th century, countries like Finland, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland, gave women the right to vote. The United Nations created the Commission on the Status of Women in the year 1946. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights came into effect in 1948 and stated strongly that men and women have equal rights. 

So far, several laws, conventions, and declarations have come into full effect to protect the rights of women all over the world. Issues concerning women’s rights also continue to spring up as the years go by. 

What is the focus on women’s rights?

Promoting and enforcing women’s rights is a way of ensuring equality between men and women. It is about enlightening women on their entitlements as human beings and the several ways they have been denied these rights. It covers activities that empower women to recognize abuse and defend themselves. 

Laws, policies, attitudes, and beliefs that threaten the well-being of women should be discouraged and appropriate sanctions provided for criminal infringement on the rights of women in every setting. The focus points of women’s rights movements all over the world include; the right to vote, employment rights, property rights, discrimination based on gender, right to health care, right to education, reproductive rights, legal rights, freedom from violence, and many others. Issues like rape, domestic violence, sexual assault, forced marriage, violent traditional practices, trafficking, etc, can be tackled by promoting and enforcing women’s rights worldwide. 

Women’s rights and laws in Texas

laws in Texas

Several women’s laws exist in the state of Texas. There are laws aimed at protecting women during the divorce process, protecting women from domestic violence, and providing justice for victims of different forms of abuse. 

An example of a law enforcing the rights of women in Texas is the Woman’s Right to Know Act which sets down some requirements that physicians must follow while obtaining informed consent for an abortion. Currently, the most controversial legal issue in Texas is focused on women’s rights. Texas anti-abortion law has been described as the harshest and strictest anti-abortion law in the United States. According to the U.N Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights during the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly, the new abortion restrictions in Texas are a violation of women’s fundamental rights. The current restriction placed on abortion in Texas bans abortion after six weeks of gestation and doesn’t make an exception for rape or incest. Pro-choice activists all over the world have expressed outrage and disappointment over this and the effects this law will have on anti-choice organizations or governments.

What can we do to uphold women’s rights?

Governments and individuals have roles to play in defending women’s rights. It starts with recognizing the harmful beliefs and practices that infringe on women’s rights. The government should contribute by ensuring equal protection under the law, empowering women in different areas, funding women’s civil society organizations, enforcing legal protection for victims of domestic violence, and so on.

In summary, we must demand equality for everyone by standing up for the rights of women all over the world. Discrimination and injustice hinder our progress and endanger the lives of others.

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