Every person deserves to be treated fairly and to be allowed a chance at good opportunities for their development regardless of their gender, race, class, tribe, or origin. This should be the guiding principle of every person who claims to want the progress of others. But, we know that this has never truly been the case throughout history. Societies have thrived on systems and beliefs that exalted a particular gender above others. The world might have taken giant steps toward civilization and enlightenment, but many of these ideologies have followed us through these years and have been the cause of several arguments, disagreements, and vicious attacks. This is the story of Male Supremacy; an ideology that advocates the systemic subjugation of women and enforces the erroneous belief that men are superior to women.

The dangers of male supremacist ideologies

male supremacist

Supporters of a certain subset of male supremacists known as the “Involuntarily Celibate” are known to blame women for their lack of sexual experiences. Some of their passionate members tend to define women as those with genetic inferiority, lacking brain capacity, and cruel. The world has seen different groups that continuously advocate the suppression of women in various sectors under the disguise of men’s rights activists. These ideologies and movements have also triggered attacks on women all over the globe and also on men who speak against such barbaric beliefs. 

Why would anyone seek to suppress another? There have been attempts made to scientifically validate these beliefs in the superiority of men above women. Many male supremacist groups propagate the narrative that men are victims of a society that favors women. They insist that men are entitled to a higher place in society than women because women are supposedly biologically and intellectually inferior to men. 

For some other groups, women are toxic and have a negative influence on men. Most of these activist groups lament the burdening effect of traditional gender roles on men and constantly berate the roles of women in the family, comparing them to men’s roles to prove that these roles are not as significant or tasking as theirs.

Male supremacy and Male privilege

Gender equality

In male-dominated societies, men are granted special privileges and status solely based on their sex. This is called male privilege. Men in these societies hold the highest power. They control the narrative for males and determine the rights or advantages accessible to women. Patriarchal societies operate an unquestionable system that allows men alone to attain the greater heights of education, finance, politics, religion, and other advantages.

Male privilege is at work in a system that is constructed to favor men above women in every scenario. Men dominate the ownership and control of financial resources and reduce women to levels where they can be easily manipulated and controlled. This system has several power structures that are interdependent and allows for little or no influence from women. The men define the roles of women in society and have the final say on every crucial matter.

Male privilege is fueled by male supremacist ideologies. It is usually very difficult to bring people raised in these societies to understand the equality of genders and the possibilities that abound in allowing everyone accesses to opportunities equally. The psychological consequence of living in a male-dominated system for so long is acceptance. You begin to accept these beliefs and enforce them on others. 

The role of men in promoting gender equality

The fight for gender equality is not reserved for women and the government alone. Believe it or not, countless men across the globe will contribute immensely to the war against gender discrimination if they are properly re-educated and encouraged. 

Over recent years, research works on the different ways men can participate and lend their support to women in the fight for gender equality have emerged. Statistics reflect the number of men who understand the special privileges they have accumulated solely based on their sex and many have realized the growing need to involve women in politics, finance, education, and every critical sector of human development. More men have joined actively in support of gender equality and have used their positions to influence policies, strategies, and constitutional amendments to promote women’s empowerment. 

Men can support by reflecting on their roles in the family and society. They can allow their mindset and beliefs to be influenced positively towards change. It begins with correcting the wrong way of reasoning and beginning to see women as worthy competitors in business, worthy candidates for leadership positions, and capable contributors to growth and human development.

In summary, we can take up more active roles by lending our voices to movements that challenge sexism, misogyny, discrimination, and male supremacy. We can stand up to bullies in professional settings and give our votes in favor of equitable policies.

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