According to United Nations statistics, more people die yearly from gun-related violence than the total number of deaths caused by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. Several studies support the fact that having a gun at home is strongly linked to an increased risk of violent deaths occurring at home. Many high-income countries have worked on placing restrictions on gun ownership and handling to reduce the incidence of gun violence. Incidents of mass shootings, serial killings, suicides using firearms and murders have been on a steady rise across the globe resulting in calls for stricter regulations on gun ownership and more emphasis on gun control laws. So far, many counties have been able to reduce gun violence crimes significantly in their countries but in countries like the United States of America, gun violence will need more than just social media calls for action.

Facts and statistics on gun violence: The situation in the United States

gun violence

75% of the 875 million guns in the world are owned by civilians and roughly half of these guns are in the United States of America. Firearms were created as a tool that could be used for a long list of helpful things including keeping people safe. But we can’t deny that in the wrong hands, a gun can cause much more than physical damage. Firearms have been used for terrorist attacks, robberies, murders, poaching, and other criminal activities. Millions of people are wounded or killed yearly by firearms.

The United States ranks 11th on the list of countries with the highest rate of gun violence in the world. The rate of gun violence in the US is 50-100 times higher than that of many other high-income countries of the world. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported that over 38,000 deaths occurred as a result of firearms in the United States in 2016. This number has increased tremendously every year. The cost of gun violence expenditure yearly in the United States is estimated to be $229 billion. 

Several health organizations have described gun violence crimes as a public health epidemic in the United States. The crimes related to gun violence range from homicides to murders, suicides, mass shootings, serial killings, racist attacks, domestic violence and so much more. The frequency of gun violence crimes in the United States has triggered palpable tension and panic among citizens. Cases of school shootings have also become too frequent causing parents, school children, and guardians to seek ways to stay safe in case of sudden attacks. 

Gun control laws in the US: the second amendment

Many believe that the United States operates the most relaxed gun control laws when compared to other developed countries. Studies have compared the situation in the United States to that of other countries like Canada, Australia, Norway, the United Kingdom, Israel, etc and many researchers agree that gun violence is not receiving the right attention in the USA. Several public platforms are calling for more actions to be taken to put gun violence under control to avert serious consequences. 

Gun control laws

According to the Second Amendment of the United States, “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” So many debates have arisen as a result of the perceived meaning of this law and it has been blamed for the increasing incidence of gun violence in America. Some citizens believe that the second amendment restricts every potential attempt by legislative bodies to prohibit firearm possession. 

There are several arguments in support of and against the possession and use of firearms by civilians in the United States. Studies have established a strong relationship between gun ownership and gun violence. For the supporters of gun ownership, people should be allowed to own guns for safety purposes and other activities that are not prohibited under the law. Others believe that allowing people to own firearms has caused more harm than good. They propose a total ban on the personal ownership of firearms.

The United States constitution has protected for several years, the right of citizens to own certain firearms and carry them around for specific purposes. Commentators insist however that the constitution, however, lacks strict regulatory or restrictive conditions that may be of great help in putting an end to the reckless use of firearms in America. For example, the American constitution does not ban semiautomatic assault weapons, handguns, large-capacity magazines or military-style 50 caliber rifles. 

Some past presidents and states in the country have made moves to pass stricter laws or place stricter restrictions on firearms but have not been able to make much progress.

In summary, reigniting gun violence debates only when a mass shooting rocks the country is a very poor way of responding to a crisis that threatens the lives and safety of American citizens. Mass shootings prompted governments of other countries to improve their gun control laws. This is the only way to achieve lasting restrictions on gun violence and ensure the protection of lives and property in America.

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