GP133 – The “Red Cap” Story

At the international airport closest to the town I live in they have porters. A porter is a person employed to carry luggage. And just like the porters at New York’s central station our porters wear red caps.

There are not many of them and the few that are there have very little work. This is because just about
everyone now days owns a suitcase with wheels and just does not need help from a porter.

If a politician wanted to create work, if a politician wanted to create jobs he could make suitcases with
wheels illegal. He could go further and ban all innovation and technology.

If you live in a G7 country whenever there is an election candidates stand up and say that they will
create jobs. They parrot these words over and over again because it seems to be the thing to say to get
elected. But they are liars. They do not care if you have a job. They have no ability to create jobs and
even if they did, as we just discussed making work is stupid.

There is only one important issue in the world today; protecting our environment.

Vote green! You will still have a job the morning.

Help us out:

 Make a statement and share it with the world.

Sample Statement:

  • “Vote green”

Educate Yourself:

Google – “Green Parties + Climate Action”

By wearing your “Good Person” shirt you will make this message available for all to see.

How? People will search “GP133” on the shirtclub app.