GP132 – The “Play It where It Lies” Story

It could happen in a golf tournament that a very good player will hit his tee shot 340 yards down then
the center of the fairway and then discover that his ball is sitting in a divot. This can happen because
another very good player in the tournament previously hit his ball in the exact same spot. The golfer
cannot move his ball. He must play it where it lies. This is not fair. He has done nothing wrong but is
being penalized. Why?…. The rules of golf were made hundreds of years ago at a time when the game
was played in sheep pastures. Every lie was a bad lie. The rule was a good rule then. It prevented players from whining about their lie on every shot.

But why has no one changed the rules of golf to match the current conditions? Good question.

People have a fascination with old things and very much like to follow what people have done in the

Hundreds of years ago in America a bunch of guys made a rule called the “Second Amendment”. Was it
a good rule at the time? I don’t know. Is it a good rule now? I’m not sure.

One thing I am sure of is that it makes little sense to live by rules that are not contemporary, not made
in the times we live in.

Golfers should be allowed to take their balls out of divots.

And the Second Amendment? …………… Phooey.

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Sample Statement: Make a sign with the number “GP126” and post on social media.

Educate yourself:

Google – “America’s Gun Culture”

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