GP131 – The Big Lie Story

I am scientist and I do not say much. Why? Were I to say something a bunch of very smart people would question the thing I say and try to prove me wrong. It’s called “Peer Review” and it is a wonderful thing. It keeps everyone honest.

It is incredibly frustrating that the people who run the country I live in have no such controls. Politicians routinely say things that are simply not true and one political party has actually adopted a strategy of repeating a lie to get re-elected. Don’t vote for liars.

Help us out: Make a statement and share it with the world.

Sample Statement: Don’t vote for liars.

Educate yourself:

Google – “Donald trump’s Big Lie”

By wearing your “Good Person” shirt you will make this message available for all to see.

How? People will search “GP131” on the shirtclub app.

Please wear shirt GP131 and share this story with the world.