GP130 – The Girl Gazelles Story

Do you think girl Gazelles enjoy sex? I think they do. Or at least they enjoy it once a year. If they didn’t
there would be no Gazelles.

You see girl Gazelles are very fast so if they do not want to have sex they can simply run away. Boy Gazelles are fast too. But if a boy Gazelle or a group of boy Gazelles chase a girl Gazelle until she stops running the girl Gazelle still must consent before sex can take place.


Boy Gazelles have hooves. They do not possess hands with the thumbs and are not able to grab the girl Gazelle and pin her down.

Do all primates partake in the act of rape? All animals with thumbs?

No. It’s a thing peculiar to the male of the human species.

Man believes himself superior to animals, but man in actuality lacks the decorum that all other animals possess.

End of story.

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Sample Statement: “No means no”

Educate yourself:

Google – “Rape Facts”

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