GP129 – The Noah’s Ark Story

If you are a religious person, you will know the story of Noah’s Ark. It is important however to remember why God made it rain for forty days and forty nights. He wanted to rid the earth of humans. We are not his favorite species.

God it would seem has given up on getting rid of us, for now anyways.

But it would I think be smart to be kind and protect and care for all the other animals that God created
and loves so much. This might just get us back in his good books.

Help us out:

Make a statement and share it with the world.

Show us your pet.

Educate Yourself:

Google – “Cruelty to Animals + Facts”

By wearing your “Good Person” shirt you will make this message available for all to see.

How? People will search “GP129” on the shirtclub app.