GP128 – Shark Fin Soup

Have you ever eaten Shark Fin Soup? Neither have I but there are two things I know about it.

First thing: It does not taste very good. Not as good as chicken soup, not as good as vegetable soup, not as good as most soups.

Second thing: It is very expensive.

So why is it so popular in certain parts of the world? This is why. It is a form of “conspicuous consumption”. People want to be seen eating expensive soup in an attempt to enhance their prestige, something akin to driving an expensive car in America.

Are there many people who want to show off in this way?

Yes. Enough to kill more than 70 million sharks per year. Google “Shark Finning” and be prepared to be horrified.

So, what can you do when you see people eating shark fin soup. For now, let’s start with a boycott, Do not eat in the restaurant that has Shark Fin soup on the menu and then tell all your friends not to eat there as well.

Help us out:

Make a statement and share it with the world.

Sample Statement:

Fins belong on sharks. Fins do not belong in bowls.

Educate Yourself:

Google – “Shark Finning”

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