GP121 – The Bean Burrito Story

I have a favorite place for lunch. I eat there about once a week. They make burritos. Some days I would order a burrito with beef, other days a burrito with chicken even now and again a burrito with fish until one day one of my children made me aware of the harm meat agriculture does to our environment, I am an old guy who just never gave much thought to farming.  I did some research and educated myself. Now when I go to my favorite place I order the “Bean Burrito”, no meat. And guess what – I like it better. All the good flavors in the burrito come from the salsa and the sauces and the vegetables. This small change in my life is helping to save the environment. This thing I do with my burritos is not all that significant I know but what if a million people started eating bean burritos? What if one hundred million people ordered burritos without meat. This would be significant. Please help me tell the “Bean Burrito” story.

Help us out: Make a pledge and share it with the world. Start with “I am a good person”.

Sample Pledge: I am a good person. I am going to eat less meat.

Educate yourself:

Google – “How the Livestock Industry Endangers Biodiversity”

By wearing your “Good Person” shirt you will make this message available for all to see.

How? People will search “GP121” on the shirtclub app.