The persistent increase in agricultural activities, expansion of urban areas, and the springing up of different new infrastructures around the globe are the major driving force for the permanent destruction or removal of trees and forests. Human activities in the modern world threaten the very existence of natural habitats and wildlife in so many ways. To the developers, they are simply creating space for new infrastructure, to the manufacturers, it is simply a harvest of natural raw materials for industries and factories, and for the regular person, this might just be the creation of an aesthetically pleasing environment and eradication of potentially harmful pests. It will do humans a lot of good to understand that permanently destroying forests, trees, and the natural home of wildlife is a driving force for several damaging effects on our environment and a direct threat to our wellbeing as well. We must strike a balance.

What is deforestation?


According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, “deforestation is the permanent removal of standing forests”. The term refers to the deliberate, natural, or accidental clearing, removal, or destruction of trees for any reason. Natural events like floods, drought, landslides, and so on can destroy forests. However, human activities have become a major factor in the removal of forests in recent history. 

Humans must create space for residential areas, factories, and other forms of infrastructure. The continuous increase in the human population is one of the major reasons for deforestation in many countries. Forests are cleared for agricultural purposes, expansion of living areas, and industrialization. They may also be destroyed as a result of accidental events like fire outbreaks. These activities keep increasing and the lack of regulation has put our natural environment in danger.

How does deforestation affect our environment?

One can argue that deforestation is necessary and they could be right. However, we must never forget that moderation is the key to preserving our natural environment. Destruction of the natural resources at our disposal without giving a fighting chance for regrowth and survival can create harmful situations for man and wildlife. The loss of trees has adverse effects on every biological life and disturbs the natural ecological balance existing in nature. By removing trees, we contribute significantly to the changes in weather and climate patterns around the globe, the loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, damage to natural habitats, and disturbances in the water cycle. Research also points to the role of deforestation in global warming. 

Forests create a natural, safe, and self-sufficient habitat for different forms of wildlife. The loss of forests is the major cause of wildlife extinction. Animals are forced to migrate or move to unsafe habitats which may include residential areas for humans. The plants and animals in the forest are also a source of vital resources for indigenous people living in forest lands. Destruction of these forests robs indigenous people of their homes, their livestock, culture, safety, food and so much more. 

The environment depends heavily on the natural balance existing between the production and consumption of oxygen and carbon dioxide (CO2). Trees are necessary for the generation of oxygen and absorption of carbon dioxide to maintain this balance. When too many trees are lost at a massive rate, CO2 which is a greenhouse gas increases in the environment contributing to global warming and harmful climate changes. In many countries, rapid deforestation results in temperature changes that are harmful to both man and wildlife.

Another major effect of deforestation on our environment is the overwhelming effect on the water cycle balance in nature. This balance is maintained by several factors in nature through evaporation, precipitation, and condensation of water particles. Trees play a unique and important role in these processes. However, when they are removed, those areas suffer a decrease in rainfall and an increase in soil erosion. Soil erosion is also caused by the loosening of soil and exposure to damaging rains and wind when trees are removed. Trees form a protective covering for the soil and help to stabilize the soil as well to keep it in place. Losing the topsoil to erosion has devastating effects on agricultural activities, especially in developing countries.

Is there any hope for our forests?

Deforestation is an attack on wildlife

Governments of different countries around the world have taken a special interest in the protection of natural resources in recent years. Some organizations have also joined in the fight by giving their voice, resources, and so on towards creating awareness and reporting activities that endanger forests in their countries. Deforestation is an attack on wildlife, humans, and our entire planet. Perhaps getting everyone to see this truth and ensuring that laws are put in place to enforce this truth will help protect what is left of our forests while giving some areas a chance to grow and thrive again.

In conclusion, our planet is ours to keep and protect. We can help reduce deforestation by helping to spread awareness, contributing to the replanting of trees, and patronizing brands that adopt eco-friendly business practices. 

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