Dolphins are very interesting animals and humans’ fascination with them has lasted a long time. Parks, zoos, and aquariums where they are displayed for show pull a large number of visitors, but we rarely think of how important these animals are to our environment and the delicate role they must play. To many people, dolphins are beautiful aquatic mammals that have been reported to have fascinating mannerisms, appearances, and interactions with humans. But, dolphins are so much more. They are aquatic mammals quite alright and have existed in the marine environment for centuries. Dolphins belong to the top of the ocean food chain in a group known as apex predators because they consume many other species of fish and squid. Without animals like dolphins, the prey they eat will increase in number leading to a disruption of the balance in the aquatic food chain and other unpleasant consequences for other wildlife and the ocean environment.

Save Dolphines

Wildlife constitutes a delicate and very important part of our environment and ecosystem. Human activities have threatened the natural habitat of different animals, trees, and other co-tenants in the environment resulting in adverse consequences that come back to haunt us. Human activities like; hunting, overfishing, refuse disposal in water, sewage disposal in water bodies, and many others threaten the safety of aquatic wildlife. The concept of marine conservation embodies measures, strategies, innovations, and renovations that can help safeguard and preserve the natural aquatic environment and minimize the harm done to aquatic animals living in different kinds of aquatic habitats. It involves protecting and preserving natural ecosystems in oceans and seas through different methods and strategies. Humans must understand that their activities have effects on the other inhabitants of our environment and severe disruption of normal ecosystems is not in our best interest.

Are Dolphins Endangered?

There are several species of dolphins living in unique habitats and possessing unique appearances and behaviors. Statistics show that many species of dolphins in different parts of the world face serious extinction issues and some species have been reported to be extinct. The most important factors responsible for the endangerment of dolphins are related to humans and their activities. Advancement in human technology for fishing, travel, and other developments like dams, fertilizer use, waste disposal, etc has created a toxic living environment for aquatic animals in general. These have contributed to the massive loss of these special mammals all across large bodies of water and on a global scale. Some rivers have already experienced the total extinction of some species of dolphins in recent years and the list continues to grow. 

Marine biologists and other naturalists worry about the adverse consequences of losing so many dolphins to preventable and unnecessary human activities. Recent research attributes over 95% of dolphin deaths to anthropogenic causes. There are over 43 known species of dolphins and according to statistics from Dolphins-World, more than ten of these species are at serious risk of extinction. One of every four dolphin species is close to extinction. A river investigation in 2006 on the Yangtze River in China revealed that not a single Chinese river dolphin could be found in the river. 

What Threats are faced by Dolphins in the Environment?

The excessive exploitation and unregulated activities of humans constitute the greatest challenge to the preservation of natural resources, habitats, and ecosystems. The natural dangers dolphins face in their habitat pale in comparison to the devastating effects of chemical pollution, noise pollution, sea traffic, commercial harvest, habitat loss, waste pollution, plastic pollution, and so on. 

Protect Dolphins

Scientists continue to report the alarming effects of climate change on the ocean which include; temperature changes that affect feeding grounds, migratory pathways, and the general survival of aquatic wildlife. Harvesting of dolphins for food and other commercial purposes has reached disturbing rates; giving little room for population recovery of species and exposing dolphins to harsh and unfavorable living environments outside their natural habitat. A common occurrence observed in the oceans is dolphins getting entangled with fishing equipment. Man-made structures within water bodies contribute to the destruction of their natural habitat.

How Can We Save Dolphins?

The goal should be the conservation of our natural environment to the best of our ability. The ability of dolphins to absorb pollutants in their body when they rise to high concentrations aids in the study of the state of the marine environment by scientists. Ocean conservation is the key to the survival of all marine animals; including dolphins. The recent surge in the enlightenment of the general public and groups of people who are passionate about saving endangered animals, returning them to their natural habitat, and ensuring the safety of their habitat, should spur the global community in the right direction. 

To save dolphins is to protect the ocean ecosystem and consequently the marine wildlife for our good. Some of the strong points include; minimizing the use of plastics, responsible waste disposal, closing down commercial exploitation of marine wildlife, and practicing and promoting the recycling of plastics.

In conclusion, governments and organizations involved should intensify efforts and strategies to protect marine wildlife. Individuals at different levels should be enlightened on the harmful effects of some of their activities on dolphins and the ways they can contribute to protecting dolphins in their environment.

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